Athlete, Drink the Cup

Drink the Cup

11  “So Jesus said to Peter, ‘Put your sword into its sheath; shall I not drink the cup that the Father has given Me?’”

John 18:11 (ESV)

“Drink the cup” is a spiritual term inviting one to enter into a tough circumstance, a purpose-driven trial. Jesus had a big cup to drink, and He went bottom up.

Atonement by death was God's tall order for Christ, His blameless life sacrificed for the sins of man. And since Christians are called to follow and imitate Him, there will be “cups” our Father will no doubt give us in love to drink too.

Note five strong actions surrounding the cup-drinking our Father sets before us:

ACCEPTANCE: Coming to terms with God regarding a tough situation is the big first step. Agreeing with God starts our growth. Accept the cup.

COMMITMENT: Don't avoid your cup. Face it. Embrace it. Tackle it. Your Father has given it in wisdom and love. Drink it. Down it. Good awaits at the bottom of the cup, for God loves to honor the commitments we make that honor Him.

ENDURANCE: “Drinking the cup” is a process more than a one-time event. Our Father designs it to build our strength and stamina. A cup is not drained in a single gulp but is imbibed over time. Good long-haul living is His aim, His end game.

FOCUS: “Drinking the cup” is designed to sharpen our life focus. It gets us and keeps us centered, balanced, purpose-driven and mission-fulfilling.

OBEDIENCE: Drink up a circumstance God has placed before you. There's purpose behind it. Trust and obey. Taste the fruit that obedience brings.

This fistful five defined and governed Jesus. May it define and govern your life and mine too.

Reflect: What tough life circumstance might your Father want you to face and accept right now? (Burn a good timeout and answer this question.) How's your commitment level to God going right now?

Are you living life focused on the cup or the pain, the reward or the cost?

A prayer to consider: LORD, may my life be marked by acceptance and focus. Help me drink the cup You give me with endurance, honor, joy above circumstance and a trusting obedience.

I want my commitment to match Yours. May I not just have a mission, but fulfill it -- for Your glory and my joy in You. Amen.

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