Athlete, God Will Reshape Us

God Will Reshape Us

3,4  “So I went down to the potter's house, and there he was working at his wheel. And the vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter's hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as it seemed good to the potter to do.”

Jeremiah 18:3,4 (ESV)

God sent a man named Jeremiah to tell His rebellious people to return to Him, so that He could be their God, so that He could display His goodness to the rest of the world through them. Jeremiah was discouraged by their lack of response, so God sent him down to the potter’s house to see the potter at work.

The potter was shaping a piece of clay into a useful vessel, but it was spoiled. It was ruined, perhaps corrupted by some foreign matter in it or by the loss of its shape. So, the potter started over and reshaped the clay into a piece that was pleasing to him.

In the following verses, God asked Jeremiah if He could not do the same thing with His people.

This is great news! We were created to live in union with God, but in our pursuit of independence we chased whatever offered fulfillment, pleasure or meaning … on our terms. We became that ruined clay vessel on the potter’s wheel.

To be reshaped by God, we needed to come back into relationship with Him. That required a payment to be made to remedy our ruined state. Jesus’ death on the cross for us completely satisfied that debt for those who turn from their ways and place their trust in His sacrifice.

We are no more able to be right with God through our own efforts than a piece of clay is able to turn itself into a bowl.

When we put our faith in Jesus, God freely grants forgiveness, restores us to relationship with Him and begins a process of transforming our lives. God reshapes broken people.

If you have never come into relationship with God, it begins with a decision. Ask Him to forgive you for your independence. Invite Him to reshape your life as He desires.

Learn about how God can reshape your life.

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