Athlete, Put Your Belt On

Put Your Belt On

14  "Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place."

Ephesians 6:14 (NIV)

What makes someone truly bold, fearless and more confident than an individual should be, so much so that victory awaits?

The answer is not found in greater preparation, past success, alcohol or drugs. It lies in being on the right side, the side bound to win. It's found in being on the side of truth when war is waged. Truth always wins in the end.

That's why Scripture here implores us to strap on a belt of truth.

  1. FIRST MOVE: Truth must start all war-winning preparations. Dress for battle starts here. When we say we “have to tighten our belts,” it means we prepare for clear, decisive action. That prep starts with truth first … the truth about ourselves, others, the world, the laws of life and God Himself.

  2. UNDERCOVER: A belt goes under the armor, not on top. It's invisible to the enemy, but fully felt by the warrior. The rest of the armor protects the belt, the truth. Truth can never be sacrificed. If it is, the enemy will win.

  3. ANCHORS THE OFFENSE: The belt is meant to carry the sword, the primary offense that outfits warriors. No belt, no sword bearing. No truth, no offense.

  4. DEBATABLY BOTH: When we say “belt of truth,” do we mean true doctrine (what God really says; ultimate realities) or personal integrity and true honesty before God and men? The meaning in the original manuscripts is not clear, so I say BOTH!

Reflect: How dressed and armed are you with truth? How committed are you to truth-seeking and truth-telling in everything? What's an area where you need to tighten your truth-belt?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me to love truth, pursue it passionately and strap it on but good. Let it govern my every move and make me uber-confident. I'm indebted to You for telling me the truth about so much, and for sending me The Truth, even Jesus.

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