Athlete, Take Captive Your Thoughts

Take Captive Your Thoughts

5  “… and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

2 Corinthians 10:5 (NIV)

Yesterday you learned about the divine weapons given to you as a Christian. And you were charged with using those weapons to make war on all human reasoning that tries to set itself on the throne of your heart.

Today, be reminded of who is in charge of your mind! By God’s design -- YOU ARE! God’s Word says “take captive” every thought, and make it “obedient” to Christ.

The Christian mind should operate like a maximum-security prison, complete with locked cells and well-trained guards. And the prisoners that need capturing are destructive thoughts such as fear, anxiety, discouragement and lies that are contrary to God’s truth.

Friend, who are your trusted prison guards?

  • Hope -- those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength
  • Truth -- the truth will set you free
  • Righteousness -- the righteous will never be shaken
  • Peace -- the peace of God will guard your hearts and minds
  • Wisdom -- the wisdom from above is pure
  • Grace -- His grace is sufficient for you

And what do your trusted guards do to help you capture the prisoners?

  • They don’t let prisoners (evil thoughts) make the rules
  • They don’t hand the keys to prisoners (lies)
  • They never leave prisoners (anxiousness) unguarded
  • They aren’t surprised or frightened by prisoners (fear) when they attack

Taking unwanted thoughts captive means they’re restrained prisoners, not welcome guests.

Christian, what harmful, evil, rogue thoughts are you letting run rampant through the halls of your mind?

Take them captive now! Let your trusted guards (hope, truth, righteousness, peace, wisdom, and grace) do their job.

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