Athlete, It Is Time to Open the Windows

It Is Time to Open the Windows

5  "When a period of feasting had run its course, Job would make arrangements for them to be purified."

Job 1:5 (NIV)

Sometimes people get stuck, and routines become ruts. We run the same course, we keep the same social circles, we hold old habits and rarely think to add new ones, we follow the same line – even if we don't know where it's going.

What started out as a nice expression or good idea might have a shelf life that's expired. And we often overindulge in a good thing.

Life calls for contrast, brings seasons, mixes diversity into unity to make it stronger and adds harmony into song to make it sung for ages.

The world God created “accepts” change as ordained, rhythmic, renewing. How 'bout us? How 'bout you?

Reflect: Is there some new chapter that needs to be written in you? Is it time to make a change and move on … or at least step back and ask, “Why am I doing what I'm doing?” or “Does it have to be this way?” Some things run their course ...

God recognizes times for things to change. Do you? Why not ask Him to open up the windows in you and get some fresh air in … no matter what season of the year.

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