Athlete, What We Have is Way Better

What We Have is Way Better

12  “When Jesus spoke again to the people, He said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’”

John 8:12 (NIV)

Buzz Lightyear is an endearing central figure in the charming animated movie trilogy, Toy Story. Buzz thought he was equipped with a laser beam that could attack and beat anything that stood in his way. Actually his laser was only a lighted wristband powered by a AA battery. His light really wasn't as powerful as he thought. He was just a toy.

However, there is one guy that carries true, powerful light – Jesus. Let's see how great His light really is as we unpack John 8:12.

PERSONAL LIGHT: Jesus said, "I am the light." Light is not just physics. It's a Person. Light is found in following a Son, not just the sun. "Those who look to Him are radiant …" (Psalm 34:5). People can carry, deliver and reflect light, but only ONE guy is the source of it.

PLENTY OF LIGHT: When Jesus calls Himself “the light of the world,” it means He's got plenty of light to go around. The sun can only light half the world at a time. The Son can light it all. There's no place on earth where His healing, life-giving rays cannot penetrate. When it comes to lighting the world, He's the undisputed G.O.A.T.

NEVER IN THE DARK: No matter how dark the night, no matter how few the clues we have to work with, Jesus says His followers will never walk in darkness. It means we will never get stuck, paralyzed or hopelessly lost. There will always be enough light to keep us moving onward and upward. It means we will find our way home no matter what.

LIGHT OF LIFE: Jesus offers a better light, "the light of life." Here's why His light is so life-giving:

  • It builds confidence. Hang around Him, and you're bound to see straight, connect well and grow like a mug (1 John 1:7).
  • It shows us the true character of man.
  • It shows us right perspective on things.
  • It exposes our fears and changes them.
  • It reveals things we overlook, things we can't see in the dark.

Here is the bottom line – FOLLOW THE LIGHT. When I travel toward the light, all the shadows fall behind me. When I travel away from the light, all the shadows are before me. Live shadow-free. Pursue the Son.

Reflect: Are you more like Buzz Lightyear, trying to light up the world on your own OR simply trusting the Son to light you up and light your way? Shadow-free living is found in following the Son.

What area of your life is still being lived in the shadows, away from the Son? Where is Jesus lighting the way in your life right now?

A prayer to consider: Jesus, be my everyday light. Help me get out of the shadows by following You. Expose my fears, reveal right perspectives, and build my confidence through helping me see straight about everything. I want the light of life. Keep illumining me and bringing me home to You. Amen.

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