Athlete, Your Footwork and Footwear Matter

Your Footwork and Footwear Matter

15  "And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace."

Ephesians 6:15 (NIV)

Footwork matters. O how it matters in sport! The better my footwork, the better I tend to play. Footwear matters too. Figuring out what to wear and when to wear it is critical. It's science, not just art. Being laced up well with active, firing feet is the goal.

Footwork and footwear matter spiritually too. Really? Yup. God says so. He wants our boots on the ground, our feet ready to go, on our toes, moving, not flat-footed or stuck in the mud … especially when it comes to spiritual warfare.

That's what today's verse is all about.

So what fires up great spiritual footwork? What readies us for action? It's having the right “kicks,” the right footwear.

The best brand is “the gospel.” Getting hold of the gospel and letting it get hold of us puts us in high gear, ready to fight hard and effectively. A proper view of the gospel will drive us to good action.

The greater the gospel becomes to me, the better my readiness to tackle the toughest things in life. The gospel makes us get up and dance. The gospel helps me fight like I ought.

Reflect: How's your footwork? Feeling firm-footed and cat-quick or stuck in the mud when it comes to life's most important battles? Are you lacing up the gospel and letting it drive your readiness to take on about anything that's good and right?

A prayer to consider: LORD, move me by the power of the gospel. Ready me to share with everyone the best message in the world. May it make me wildly confident and drive my every foot-soldier step. May I be the strong message and ready messenger for You. Amen.

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