Athlete, It Starts with Stillness

It Starts with Stillness

31  "But they who wait for the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."

Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)

There's a recharge for our running, a “secret” way of moving forward with seemingly endless energy – but it starts with no motion at all. It starts with stillness before God. The Bible calls it “waiting on the Lord.” Those who “wait on Him” renew their strength, they soar like eagles, they run life's road tirelessly, they walk without fainting.

What does “waiting on the Lord” mean? What does it look like? It looks like a prizefighter in his corner poised for the first bell, a concert pianist awaiting the opening curtain, a great player awaiting tipoff. Stillness must reign first. A godly man or woman waits for God. That's where the power lies – alone with God, away from distraction, awaiting His touch and nodded green light.

So carve out moments of stillness before Him each day, in Scripture, in prayer, in reflection and awaiting a word. Look forward to moments alone – in a gym, on a porch, at a kitchen table, on your knees alone with God.

Greatness starts with stillness.

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