Athlete, Approach Him Just Right

Approach Him Just Right

8  "Trust in Him at all times, O people; pour out your heart before Him; God is a refuge for us. Selah."

Psalm 62:8 (ESV)

Sometimes we're not sure how to approach an authority figure. Stepping into a coach's office or the Oval Office seems daunting. Approaching a judge's bench or a king's throne feels that way too. I even get a little shaky when a squad car rolls by.

Psalm 62 gives us some great markers for how to properly approach God. O, how I love them! Please take a look with me:

OPERATE WITH TRUST. Start here; live here. God says that what we'll find in Him brings great reason for trust. He says that in Him we find:

  • Rest, a Rock and Refuge (read these terrific verses: Psalm 62:1,2 and Psalm 62:5-7)
  • Salvation and Honor (Psalm 62:7)
  • Strength and Love (Psalm 62:11,12)
  • Reward (Psalm 62:12)
  • Matchless-ness. He alone brings these things powerfully, consistently.

Why would we wanna go anywhere else to find these things?

AT ALL TIMES. When it comes to God, make trust a way of life. Endeared sports broadcaster/friend Ernie Johnson states this as his life motto, “Trust God. Period.”

LET IT GO/LET IT FLOW. A heart poured out is what God wants to see. So give yourself permission to come to Him as one overflowing. This is both an individual and corporate deal.

AIM STRAIGHT. A poured-out heart aims straight for God. No shortcuts; no detours. Before Him, to Him, first and foremost.

RUN/HIDE/WAIT. If God really is a refuge, a rock and salvation, then the way to approach Him is simply to run, hide and wait.

Reflect: Where are you finding your rest, rock, refuge, salvation, honor, strength, love and reward? Are you trusting God, period? Are you living with a heart poured out before God?

Are you running to your Rock and Refuge or standing in the battlefield facing too many arrows?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank You for giving me tons of good reasons to trust You. Help me to keep experiencing You in Psalm 62 ways.

Free my heart to do this more and more. I want it poured out before You. I wanna keep approaching You just right. Amen.

*Selah is a Hebrew word meaning “pause (burn a timeout) to think about this”!

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