Athlete, We Are Blessed for Unseen Belief

We Are Blessed for Unseen Belief

29  “Jesus said to him, ‘Have you believed because you have seen Me? Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”

John 20:29 (ESV)

It's hard to figure it all out sometimes, especially when it comes to life. Our world is filled with such mistrust and deception. How much belief in anything can we exercise?

When it comes to Jesus, He wants us to know that trusting Him is different. He not only asks for our trust, but also reserves a special blessing for those who trust Him, who live beyond sight and operate in beautiful, blind belief in Him.

Jesus doesn't just insist on faith from us, He rewards it. You gotta love this promise! Hanging in there with Him, living by faith in Him, has certain reward. Special dividends await the one who trusts.

Here are some of those rewards:

THRILL OF THE RIDE: Since journey -- and not just destination -- counts, rolling with Him, trusting Him all along the way, will prove thrilling, the thrill of a lifetime.

TERRIFIC TRIO: God's Word says that a tested faith in Him produces perseverance, maturity and completeness. Who wouldn't want this set evident in his or her life? Getting buffed in Jesus faith is the way to go (James 1:2-4).

BEAUTIFUL BRIGHTNESS: awaits at the end of the tunnel. Tunnel-living is always dark. But pushing through to the end of the tunnel always brings light.

Faith will become sight. The Bible teaches this over and over again. What reward!

Reflect: Are you reserving your faith and trust in Jesus until you see first? Rewind your life a bit. Have you seen reward?

Has faith played any clear role? What are you trusting God for now?

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, keep reminding me of Your rewarding words, "Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe." I want to keep speaking them over and over.

I so look forward to all the reward that trusting You beyond sight brings. Help me hang in there with You, for You. May my faith keep becoming sight. Amen.

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