Athlete, Check Your Eyesight

Check Your Eyesight

39  “Jesus said, ‘For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind.’”

John 9:39 (NIV)

Are you due for an eye exam? I am. I can't buy any more contact lenses until I see my optometrist. My prescription is expired.

I'm due for a check up. I'm glad, because he's terrific. I want the confidence he brings me. I want to see everything crystal clear.

Soon I'll find out how good my sight really is. He'll expose my degree of blindness and help me see as I ought. And if I act like I can see just fine as is, he'll remind me of how much blinder I am than I think.

I need that guy to help me see. There's no way around it. Sight is crucial to any good athlete or coach. Sight is crucial to you and me. And oh, what confidence great sight brings!

Jesus entered this world as an “optometrist.” He sure talked like one. He loved helping people see.

He delivered all kinds of sight to countless people. Still does. He does it whenever we spend time with Him.

He gives great perspective on life, helping us put a laser-like look on things now and keeps on doing it right straight through to eternity. (FYI, in the end, we will all throw our glasses away and see everything perfectly clear.) Yes, He opens eyes.

But He also exposes our blindness, something we strangely try to ignore or avoid. May I remind you that there is such a thing as spiritual blindness. It's epidemic. It attacks all of us.

The more we avoid Him, the blinder we get. He says it's our prideful, self-reliant or indifferent way with Him (and others) that usually is the cause.

Reflect: Having trouble seeing yourself or seeing past yourself? When was your last “eye exam” with Him? Are God's Word and His Spirit helping you really see?

A prayer to consider: O Jesus, give me eyes to see. Remove my scales. Don't let me go blind. Don't let me walk in darkness (Matthew 4:16). I want to be great at seeing past myself.

May Your Word be my necessary, daily light (Psalm 119:105). Keep making the Bible come alive to me (Psalm 19:7,8 and 119:18). I don't wanna lose sight of anything important, especially of You. You're the key to my confidence in seeing straight. Amen.

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