Athlete, Get to Know a Guy like Ty

Get to Know a Guy like Ty

21,22  "So that you also may know how I am and what I am doing, Tychicus the beloved brother and faithful minister in the Lord will tell you everything. I have sent him to you for this very purpose, that you may know how we are, and that he may encourage your hearts."

Ephesians 6:21,22 (ESV)

Let's get to know a guy named Ty. He's more significant than we might think. Ty (Tychicus) is mentioned in the Scriptures five times. On each occasion he is presented as a special friend and crucial messenger. Four things stand out about him:

DEAR BROTHER. There's a soul sweetness about this man that makes you feel close, truly bonded to him. He moves into your heart and becomes a neighbor there.

FAITHFUL SERVANT. This man has God as his clear boss and exists to serve Him faithfully. Therefore, he makes others feel the same way too. He wears the title “Faithful Servant” like a badge of honor.

TRUSTWORTHY MESSENGER. You can count on him to rep others well. He's learned to know them so well that there's no mistaking the messages he carries from them. He's an ambassador, assistant coach and co-pilot, as good as it gets.

REAL ENCOURAGEMENT. This man really knows how to encourage! He's a champ at this. People can't wait to see him coming. He's dispatched and shows up all the time bearing good news or wise words.

Reflect: Who's in your corner? Who really cares for you? Who's the person you trust with your life, your burdens and your spiritual support? Who can you count on to relay your messages and represent you properly? Gotta guy like Ty? And just as importantly, are you like Ty to others?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank you for every moment where You have sent to me someone like Ty. What a great blessing! May I become like Ty to those around me.Thank You for Jesus, the greatest Ty example. Make me more like Him. Amen.

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