Athlete, God Hears Your Cry

God Hears Your Cry

1  “I waited patiently for the Lord; He turned to me and heard my cry.”

Psalm 40:1 (NIV)

God is faithful to His children. In this Scripture passage, David remembers that God had “turned to (him)” as he waited. He recognizes that God has come through many times before in His life, and that this time will be no different. Athlete, remember that God is our Father! He wants what’s best for us and we must trust that His timing is perfect. We can’t waiver or grow impatient while we wait, because God is always paying attention to our prayers.

Athlete, God hears your cry. He knows exactly what you need before you even pray it! He listens to us because He wants to hear us praying in faith. Because of Jesus, He believes the best about us at all times. He is listening, and He promises to never leave us nor forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).

When a play is under review, we wait for the referee to make a judgment call based on a play that has already happened. God, on the other hand, answers our prayers in accordance with His will and plan for our entire lives, which He already laid out at the beginning of time.

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