Athlete, Here Are Songs to Sing

Here Are Songs to Sing

7  "The LORD is my strength and shield. I trust Him with all my heart. He helps me, and my heart is filled with joy. I burst out in songs of thanksgiving."

Psalm 28:7 (NLT)

The headphones slip on. The music cranks up. Another challenge awaits. Another game to play. Another workout to grind out. What music do you want to hear? What will you want to sing about?

Here in Psalm 28, David is going through it. This warrior is longing for a fresh win, some new victories over enemies without and fears within. And then he pauses to put on some spiritual earbuds. Here are the songs that crank up in him:

ONE MORE DEFENDER: The Lord is my strength and shield. He fights for me, alongside me. I defend alone no longer.

TRUSTING HEART: My heart is learning to trust Another. The Right Man is on my side, trustworthy and true.

CERTAIN HELP: Help has surely come … and will keep coming. God is committed to saving and helping. It's His way among us.

JUMPING FOR JOY: When the right help keeps on coming, joy jumps from the deepest places in my heart.

HAVING ENOUGH: Thanksgiving sings when His help arrives, when it takes root, when it brings just enough.

All these song titles birth ThanksLIVING in those who follow the Lord. Thankfulness liberates and empowers. So play these tunes, write these words on the musical scores of your heart, burst out in songs of thanksgiving.

Reflect: Are you jumping for joy because help has come and you're not alone? Do you believe you will have enough? Are you unstoppable in singing songs of thanksgiving?

A prayer to consider: LORD, my shield and strength, thank You for standing with me, fighting for me. To have You is to have enough. Thanks for so many You send my way to help too. Unleash my heart to sing Your worthy praises. Let the music play! There's so much to be thankful for ...

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