Athlete, Here Are Your Trade Benefits

Here Are Your Trade Benefits

39  “And when He had said this, He breathed on them and said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”

John 9:39 (NIV)

As every off season in every professional and collegiate sport reminds us, roster changes alter teams. Trades, transfers, drafts and recruiting sure shake things up … hopefully for the better.

As Jesus prepared to depart this earth, He prepped us for a big roster transition too. A powerful shift was on -- Jesus out, the Holy Spirit in. And it no doubt led to speculation by his disciples.

Would this be a fair trade? How could it be an upgrade? What are we getting ourselves into? What's the forecast? How will this work?

Jesus made it clear He wanted this trade to happen. Here's why. In “receiving the Spirit,” we:

  • Add a new, matchless, untradeable teammate.
  • Get the best personal trainer one could ever hope for.
  • Gain access to the best life coaching available.
  • Possess power for living in unexpiring measure.
  • Have Jesus living and active IN me, not just BEFORE me. (The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ!)

And here's how we receive the Holy Spirit:

  • Make much of Jesus. Confess Him as personal Savior-Lord. As I do, the Spirit comes to me and stays.

  • Open up my life to Him. Allow God inside-access to my heart and mind. Furnish Him all my “keys” and “pass codes.”

  • Give the Spirit lots of playing time. Let Him control. Don't relegate Him to “sit the bench” in my life.

There you go. That's the sweet, strong why and how God has laid out for us. His trade package designed for us is so beautiful and beneficial!

Reflect: Are you experiencing this trade benefit? How much playing time is the Holy Spirit getting in your life?

A prayer to consider: Jesus, thank You for ushering in Your Spirit to dwell in me. Jesus IN me is greater. O what a trade benefit! Keep taking control of my life, filling me and making me the person You want me to be. I'm yours for life. Amen.

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