Athlete, Pay Attention to Messages Over Dinner

Pay Attention to Messages Over Dinner

5  "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows."

Psalm 23:5 (ESV)

Dining in front of enemies is not my idea of a great night out. But God wants to feed us some rich fare in the midst of moments like this anyway. Perhaps it's because He has secret food and strong, necessary messages intended to build us up like crazy, if we will but step up to His table.

Here are four messages I believe the Lord has for us in this classic verse:

God GETS PERSONAL. His table is for me. He wants a dinner-for-two reservation with me where great conversations take place, great understandings are reached, great forgiveness is forged, great dreams are launched, and my soul is well fed.

The King of the universe is throwing HIS WEIGHT MY WAY. Tradition has it that a meal ordered by a king for one of his subjects signals the clear allegiance of the monarch to that subject for life. One then falls under His protection and care for good.

So if I know what's good for me, I better cease striving, stop running, sit down and dine with Him.

God's commitment is intended to make me CONFIDENT. The table is set for my good, not just His. My confidence in Him is His goal for me. A “dinner” with Him should mark me for life.

God will put me AT EASE in the midst of conflict. That's why He sets out our meal in the presence of my enemies. He wants me to experience poise and peace under pressure that I'll need to get big road wins in life.

Look for His “table” in the midst of the battle. He is there.

These are the messages God serves up to us fresh again today. Bon appétit!

Reflect: Like David in Psalm 23, have you felt God getting personal with you in the midst of a trial? In what way(s) have you felt His support, His weight leaning your way lately?

Do you have good confidence to keep going because of His commitment to feed you in the midst of trouble? Are you at ease in conflict because of the One to whom you belong?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I'm looking for Your table once again. I need to spot it, sit down and consume the nourishing truth You serve up. It is life-giving. O, how I long to live well and fight hard for my King.

Keep me confident and at ease in the midst of battle. The war in me and around me rages on. I love Your good soul food! Amen.

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