Athlete, Stay Locked In

Stay Locked In

47  “Whoever belongs to God hears what God says.”

John 8:47 (NIV)

Players who win consistently lock in on their coaches (and teammates). They get tight, together and tuned in.

In crunch time you can count on those teammates to be yielded and on the same page. They really listen. They stay dialed in during huddles. Nothing seems to interrupt their shared focus.

Their coach finds joy in communicating too. He or she savors their allegiance and praises their connection. The coach’s words are heard and valued. Together they find confidence for each next step, executing uncommonly well and winning ridiculously often.

This is a picture of John 8:47. The Scripture here points us to living a “locked up” and “locked in” life. Those who belong to God huddle tight and listen well.

Let's pause to unpack these two big thoughts Jesus teaches us.

“LOCKED UP” = BELONGING TO GOD: When do we belong to God? How does it work?

We belong to Him when we:

ACCEPT Jesus’ sacrifice – His atonement – as our only acceptable justification before a holy God, and reject all other means, including our own (Acts 4:12).

SURRENDER to Christ's Lordship, His head-coaching. Our yielding to His supreme authority is what He's looking for. He doesn't want us playing for another coach (Colossians 2:6,7).

God then rosters us. That's the point at which we belong. His personal head-coaching begins then and His instructive words vault to the top of our daily attention.

“LOCKED IN” = HEARING WHAT GOD SAYS: It's amazing how much more we hear and clearly notice once we're committed, once we belong. Huddles with Him become life-giving, strategic and so beneficial.

No other competing voices matter like His. And life wins become the byproduct. But these wins don't come easy or often. Good hearing and huddles hinge on belonging.

If I'm not hearing or huddling well with God, it likely means I'm having lordship issues. Good hearing doesn't take place until a head coach's authority is consistently acknowledged and his voice is established above all others.

Reflect: Are you LOCKED UP? Do you belong to God? If not, why not? Are you LOCKED IN? Huddling daily to hear what God says in His Word, the Bible?

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep me locked in. I belong to You and want to hear Your voice each day. I long to hear You above the din, above all the noise of life.

I don't want any of Your calls dropped on my end. My belonging and listening are keys to my victory in life. Help me keep playing quietly, faithfully to an Audience of One. Amen.

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