Athlete, The Object of Your Faith is Key

The Object of Your Faith is Key

22,23  “’Have faith in God,’ Jesus answered.”

Mark 11:22,23 (NIV)

Having faith is important. Believing in what is said activates and supports to the max whatever is laid forth. But what makes faith really powerful is not what comes next, but what comes first ... having a right object of your faith.

That right object of faith is GOD, not circumstance, not others, not self!

With this best object, this pure prelude in place, Jesus says that commands like “Mountain, throw yourself into the sea” will move the mountain, indeed.

He wants us to understand that it’s not just the measure of my belief that counts. It’s the object of my belief that sets everything in motion. Mountains move when God moves me.

So let’s sing this sweet prelude, “Have faith in God!” before we try to move anything. Let’s make it our strong, sweet self-talk.

Let’s make God the object of our faith instead of making our faith the object. Let’s keep Him foremost. Let’s rest in something/SOMEONE bigger than ourselves: GOD!

These song lyrics always fall sweet on me:

“GOD will make a way Where there seems to be no way. He works in ways we cannot see, He will make a way for me. He will be my guide, Hold me closely to His side. With love and strength for each new day, He will make a way... GOD will make a way!”

Amen? Amen!

Reflect: Got a mountain that needs to move today? What object of your faith needs to go? Where does God need to be (re)introduced into your life’s faith challenges?

A prayer to consider: LORD, be the object of my faith … not me, not others, not circumstance. Start my faith here. And keep it anchored here.

Rest me in this truth. Move my mountain because You’ve moved me first. Thank you by faith for doing this. I recognize that even my faith is a gift from You. Amen.

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