Athlete, This is How Glory Works Best

This is How Glory Works Best

54  “Jesus replied, ‘If I glorify Myself, My glory means nothing. My Father, whom you claim as your God, is the one who glorifies Me.’”

John 8:54 (NIV)

Ever felt tempted to self-justify, self-promote, self-exalt? Ever fished for a compliment, setting yourself up to be favorably noticed? (Did it truly work?)

If you're like me, you have done this … maybe repeatedly. We tend to take the highlighter to whatever good we want others to see in us. We think it better insures our status and favor, and protects the image we want others to see in us.

Jesus goes the other way. He runs completely careless of His standing before men. He says that if He self-promotes, it means nothing, it lacks any real value. There is no glory in that.

He didn't want to get His “playing time” in life by secretly self-promoting. To Him, marketing oneself counts for nothing.

How could Jesus be so completely careless of His standing before men, so free from making the endlessly tiring, manipulative moves we all make toward self-exaltation? It was because He was so confident that His Father would take care of His glory.

The truth is this: Our Father is not just the most worthy glory-getter, He's the matchless glory-giver too. He is unrivaled in both.

Jesus put His full weight into trusting His Father for His glory. May we place our full confidence in our Father's care too. May we discover that to bring Him glory is to find the most satisfying glory we could ever hope for.

Reflect: Is self-glorification a current struggle for you? If so, in what particular area? Where do you feel rather insecure?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I want to live with the confidence of Jesus. If I've got Your nod, I'm good. I trust any glory I receive to You and offer it back as a crown placed before You. Thank you for loving me so well and satisfying me with Your great coaching and care. You're the best! Amen.

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