Athlete, Bring Your Fish to Jesus

Bring Your Fish to Jesus

10-12  “Jesus said to them (His disciples), ‘Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.’ So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, 153 of them. And although there were so many, the net was not torn. Jesus said to them, ‘Come and have breakfast.’ Now none of the disciples dared ask Him, ‘Who are You?’ They knew it was the Lord.”

John 21:10-12 (ESV)

My coaching friends in Charleston, South Carolina, have turned me on to a new, savory breakfast option. Fish to start the day.

Shrimp and grits (with all the fixins), to be exact. It now ranks #1 for me. My morning passion is a bowl of this.

What's your go-to staple to start your day?

In today's Scripture we see Jesus starting the day off right for His friends. Note the breakfast message I believe He has for all of us in this John 21 daybreak story centered around fish.

BRING WHAT YOU HAVE. As a new day breaks, Jesus asked His buddies to simply bring what they had to Him. He took care of the rest.

He added fresh bread. He prepared it all for ravenous consumption!

HAVE NO FEAR. Jesus dispels fears. Two are seen here:

  • Their net held up. It remarkably bore the load of 153 LARGE fish with no tears. Hmmm ...

Maybe Jesus was trying to get a message across to his men (and to us) that neither we nor our day will come apart at the seams when we bring what we have, what we face, to Him.

  • Jesus didn't exploit their coming. He never does. He just cooked what He needed from their big haul and fed them well.

START THE DAY WITH HIM. Find a way to meet Jesus for breakfast. Have Him, not just food.

Include Him early-on before the day advances. You'll be well fed and blessed as you do.

Reflect: How trusting are you to take what you've earned, what you've caught, and turn it over to Jesus? What kind of “fish” might you be holding back and not offering to Him?

Are you living in fear that what you have will break apart? Are you meeting regularly/daily with Jesus? (No better way to start your day!)

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep feeding me according to Your Word and Your Spirit. I need Your nourishing each day, the earlier the better. Amen.

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