Athlete, Keep Jesus Unrivaled in Your Heart

Keep Jesus Unrivaled in Your Heart

15  “Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon, son of John, do you love Me more than these?’”

John 21:15 (ESV)

So much of our world operates around competition, friendly and otherwise. Since outcomes don't often come fast enough for us, we incessantly create polls to establish ratings before final rankings are released.

Just crack open, and see what I mean. The comparison monster in us all keeps well fed.

It even happens personally, especially regarding love -- what we love and who we love. O, how our culture regards the more competition the mo' betta.

Into this world steps curious, caring Jesus. He asks of us a simple question, "Where do I rank with you?”

“On the love scale, does My name vault to the top? Is this My rightful place with you?" (Colossians 1:17).

Since He made it, Jesus knows that there are many things in this world to love … and a few things to hate. He just wants to know if He's rivaled or unrivaled in our love.

If we truly understood His love, He'd stand alone at the top. That's where He rightfully belongs.

"When first things are put first, second things are not suppressed but increased." C.S. Lewis

Reflect: How unrivaled is Jesus? Do you love Jesus more than what you're good at or what you want? Do you love Jesus more than whom you're crazy about?

Slowly read Romans 8:31-39. Let it sink in. It'll do you good.

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, I'm so blessed to know Your first, perfect love toward me. May I love You first and best too. I eliminate the competition, leaving You unrivaled in my life.

I believe all my “second things” will not be suppressed but increased. Amen.

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