Athlete, Make Room

Make Room

3  "And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, ‘Behold, the dwelling place of God is with man. He will dwell with them, and they will be His people, and God Himself will be with them as their God."

Revelation 21:3 (ESV)

Where does God live? Where do you find Him?

Like a great coach, He's found in multiple places … on the sidelines for sure, “up” in His “office” on His “throne,” perhaps watching film, game-planning, evaluating personnel, strategizing player development, assessing match ups, sizing up the battle lines, preparing for more victory.

But there's one other place. Deeper still, He's to be found nearer, in our minds and hearts, right in the middle of our failures and our triumphs, our wins and our losses. He's not afraid to find us in our sin-slumps, brokenness and burnouts and to pitch His tent there.

He lifts us up through His salvation.

Most importantly, God dwells with us. That's where He's really to be found. And when God settles there, everything in our lives tends to settle too.

Immanuel, “God with us,” is the invading/settling message of Christmas. Christ has come! Let's make it our everyday message too.

And let's remind ourselves that our only proper response is to prepare Him room. He came. He comes. He's coming. Make room.

A prayer to consider: LORD, of all the places You are to be found, help me make room for You here in my heart. Thank You for coming. Keep on coming. Dwell here in me. I'm making room for the King of glory to enter in. What honor, what joy! Amen.

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