Athlete, When God Gets Involved, Things Happen

When God Gets Involved, Things Happen

3  "And now the LORD has brought it about. He has done just as He said He would."

Jeremiah 40:3 (NIV)

When certain coaches or players get involved in the mix, things change.

Things really shifted when Nick Saban got introduced to the University of Alabama football team, when Bill Belichick took over head coaching duties of the New England Patriots, when Theo Epstein became architect of the Chicago Cubs and when Michael Jordan was signed to play for the Chicago Bulls.

There are many more striking examples.

How do you know when God gets involved in something, when He is truly in the mix?

  1. PROMISES STICK. God fulfills what He promises. You see what He says playing out. There are no shot clock violations with Him. He delivers on time, on target.

  2. CHANGE HAPPENS. Chains break. Strongholds collapse. Choking weeds die. Good culture grows. Hearts change.

  3. CONFIDENCE ABOUNDS. A winning, confident attitude prevails when God gets involved in a life.

  4. UPSETS HAPPEN. Good outlasts evil. Good wins. The world gets shocked. Truth marches on.

  5. FAITH GROWS. It grows in proportion to our sight. The more we see God act as He says He will in His Word, the more we see Him in this world. The more we see Jesus, the better we see everything else.

  6. HOPE RISES. Hope is a Person. As this Hope rises, new horizons come into view and our hope rises. Hope chases us onward, upward.

  7. LOVE WINS. Because God is love, He sees to it that all His investments produce love too. That includes you and me. He leaves His winning marks. Love is the evidence that God's been here.

  8. PEOPLE SETTLE. Soul rest comes to the ones who let God get involved in their anxieties.

God loves getting involved, being invited in, keeping His promises, building confidence in us, growing our faith, hope and love. Let's settle down and never keep our distance when it comes to Him.

Reflect: What have you seen God bring about in your life lately? Have you seen His loving touch or even His loving discipline? Do you know enough about God and His Word to know what He wants for you and your life?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me to know You better and make You known. Grow my confidence in seeing You do just what You said You would. Free me from all undue fear and anxiety. Thank You for Your amazing, relentless commitment to get involved with me. Amen.

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