Athlete, a Greater One is Here

a Greater One is Here

6  "[Jesus speaking] But I tell you that One greater than the temple is here."

Matthew 12:6 (World English Bible)

When Tim Duncan was first drafted to play for the San Antonio Spurs in 1997, his only NBA head coach, Gregg Popovich, went to visit him in the Virgin Islands to learn as much as he could about him. “Pop” said he knew TD's greatness was certain upon his first meeting with him.

“The Big Fundamental” spoke about everything except for basketball. There was a complete balance, quiet strength, selfless care and striking intellect about Timmy that told Pop that Duncan was headed for greatness.

He was right. Five NBA championships, 15 NBA All Star appearances, 26,494 points, 15,091 rebounds and 4,225 assists followed.

When people met Jesus, they felt the same way and more so! Jesus brought balance and completeness, care and selfless sacrifice, and amazing wisdom, truth and understanding to others. He accented relationship above rules to arrive at righteousness (Matthew 12:6).

He aimed to rescue and redeem with no self-promotion (Matthew 12:11-13). A better formula for championship living appeared. That “formula” was a Person. A ”greater” had arrived.

People still feel this way about Jesus when they truly, personally meet Him and come to know Him. They not only believe they're in the presence of greatness, they experience a sense of real rescue and a surge of righteousness, an acceptance and redemption that only He can bring. Daily confidence and ultimate assurance becomes ours. His “greater” helps us arrive at greater too.

Reflect: Who or what becomes your real compass for determining your righteousness or your morality? Is it way greater than you? Is it more than a building or a place? Where do you find certain rescue and real rest? Since one “greater” has arrived, do others know this too because it's seen and heard through you?

A prayer to consider: LORD, thank You that "One greater is here.” You haven't retired. You won't retire; You keep coming. You've arrived in my heart, becoming my eternal rescue and righteousness. I worship, honor and bow the knee to You. Help me to point others to Your great arrival too. Amen.

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