Athlete, Consider Your Placement and Purpose

Consider Your Placement and Purpose

10  “Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!”

Psalm 46:10 (ESV)

Perspective is a word that implies a specific focus in life. The focus isn’t always clear or streamlined, efficient or helpful, but it is, however, the propellant in which we view the world and the circumstances that surround us.

At times we are too focused on the small–scale view of something, so that we overwhelm ourselves because we can’t see past what is right in front of us.

Let’s dissect this a little bit with an example: the start of a semester.

What is dubbed as “syllabus week” -- the first week of the semester when class consists of reading over the syllabus -- is a piece of cake, right?

For me, however, I would look at every single detail of the syllabus, count all the classes I would miss for competition, and all of a sudden I would be in a panic thinking that I would get nothing done. My perspective was so limited that it was trying to cram a semester’s worth of work into one day.

Conversely, at the end of each semester, I would look back and breathe easy with the knowledge that I completed all that I needed to regardless of how much I stressed in the beginning.

A Scripture verse that spoke to me during that season, and still does to this day, is Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”

As simple as that Scripture is, it is one of the hardest for me to follow. Be still? What is that? And as student–athletes, that can seem even harder to live out. However, my desire for you — amongst the hustle and bustle that is life as a collegiate athlete — is to carve out time in your week to be still.

Secondly, know that He is God. He has called you here, in this moment, for a reason and a purpose. He will equip you with the necessary tools for this season of your life, even syllabus week. So be still, and know that.

We can look back on how God has been faithful in the past and find peace in the present. God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Challenge to consider: Place trust in the consistency of God’s character rather than the inconsistency of your circumstances.

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