Athlete, God Loves FaceTime

God Loves FaceTime

11  "Now I know that the LORD is greater than all gods …"

Exodus 18:11 (ESV)

Here's the scene ... Moses had just led the epic emancipation of a whole nation out of slavery in Egypt. Israel endured much and was strikingly delivered.

Now Moses was detailing all of this to his father-in-law, Jethro, in a private tent meeting, man-to-man, face-to-face. It had to have been great drama and great storytelling. Powerful detail unfolded, no doubt. I wish a film crew had been there to capture that scene. It would have become an ESPN Films 30 for 30 classic.

Here's the bottom line and takeaway – Jethro's response was simple and bold: "Now I know that the LORD is greater than all other gods." See what a profound affect one good “FaceTime” chat with another had?

I wonder what great, new heart-to-heart moments God would have us experience with someone today.


  • Are you a Jethro who needs to hear fresh stories of God at work? Gotta guy in mind to ask?

  • Are you a Moses who needs to call a timeout, huddle up with at least one other person, then share stories of how the God of the Bible is greater than circumstance, of how He is greater than all other gods (practicing Psalm 107:2)?

  • Are you spending enough quality time with God's Word and His people to share, to experience, to relive these stories? Like me, do you love being shown how our God is greater?

  • Get personal and specific, and fill in the blank: "My God is greater than ____.”

In a world filled with debate over who's greater, who's the best, we continue to march. God marches on too. He always wants to set the record straight. He's into FaceTime. Get a lil' FaceTime convo going.

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