Athlete, Here are Five Gifts

Here are Five Gifts

4,5  "Be strong, all you people of the land, declares the LORD. Work, for I am with you, declares the LORD of hosts, … My Spirit remains in your midst. Fear not."

Haggai 2:4,5 (ESV)

Think about a problem you face, something that stares you down, that troubles your spirit, that truly concerns you. Now pair it up with today's verse and check out the five gift offers from God we find there:

ENCOURAGEMENT: God says, "Be strong!" Sometimes all we need to hear is just those two words from a Person who really knows and cares.

PERMISSION: Like a referee tossing a ball up to start a basketball game or an umpire who cries, "Play ball!" to begin a baseball game, God gives permission for us to get to work. He declares, "Work! Go for it! Charge a hill! Take some new territory."

God champions great effort made in His Name. Having His permission to get after it means the world to a spiritual warrior.

PRESENCE: "For I am with you … My Spirit remains." God doesn't stand by and leave us alone to fight life's battles. He's not a spectator. He fights WITH us, FOR us. His presence faithfully accompanies His people. God “laces up” too. He brings Himself into our battles. Hallelujah for that!

POWER: "My Spirit remains." God's Spirit is the dynamite that blasts through and makes a way. When He comes, He brings power (Zechariah 4:6 ).

FEARLESSNESS. "Do not fear" are three words God consistently gives His people. He gives us no real reason to fear. His only message in life is fearlessness of anything and everything else except a proper fear of Him.

Reflect: Which of these five gift offers do you long for? They're there for the taking. Give thanks and grab the whole package with authority and gratefulness.

A prayer to consider: LORD, thanks for this fistful of gifts. It's tremendous and so needed! I possess them all with joy and thanksgiving. It sure is nice to know You care, You're there, and gift us so well through Christ.

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