Athlete, Here is a Stellar Trio

Here is a Stellar Trio

2  "Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord."

1 Timothy 1:2 (ESV)

Giuseppe DiMaggio fathered nine children during the last century. Three of them vaulted into professional baseball, each actually having All-Star careers as outfielders. That's a family feat never accomplished before or since. The sons were Vince, Joe and Dom.

There's another stellar trio to highlight too. They all come from heaven, and they all aim to play out in each of us like All-Stars. They are GRACE, MERCY and PEACE (GMP).

Let's take a closer look:

GREAT COMBO: Of all the things you could hope for, the GMP trio tops them all.

Grace means you receive extravagant good you don't deserve. Mercy means you don’t receive the punishment or negative consequences you do deserve. Peace means you receive rest in the soul: no strife, no worry, true contentment.

What a priceless trio! A search for a better combo would be in vain.

GREAT ORIGIN: The only true source of these triplets is God. We see them in Jesus. We get them through Christ.

GREAT WISH: Of all the things you wish for others, these three are tops. So let's pray them into those around us.

Reflect: Do you think you can find a better All-Star trio than grace, mercy and peace? Do you know where to find these triplets? Who would you wish to have more grace, mercy and peace playing out in their lives? (Pray this out to God for them like Paul did in 1 Timothy 1:2.)

A suggested prayer: LORD, thank You for sending Your unrivaled best in grace, mercy and peace. I sure see it in Jesus and want it playing in me each day. May I truly, beautifully wish these godly triplets on others too.

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