Athlete, Keep Your Faith Tank Filled

Keep Your Faith Tank Filled

6  "And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him"

Hebrews 11:6 (ESV)

I've got three questions for you:

  • What's the reward you're after right now; what do you really seek?

  • Where do you look for it, and how do you find it?

  • What's the only thing that pleases God?

A dear friend of mine, Andre “Tank” Montgomery, has been earnestly seeking God. The reward he had hoped for was justice.

Tank was unjustly charged a year ago of a heinous crime, stripped of his job, vilified in his reputation, subjected to strong public outrage and marginalized in his community. It's been so tough to be so misunderstood and to still live an unoffended life; and tough for his family too.

Court proceeding dragged on for almost a year … until yesterday. ALL charges were dropped. The guilt tank was emptied dry. A new, restored “Tank” is being filled today. Praise God!

But Tank's faith-tank was actually being filled all along the way. God was his portion and stay, the object he sought and his one true reward. He refused to stop expressing faith and believing God, obeying God, reading His Word, worshipping and trusting Him beyond circumstance.

And God kept quietly filling him with Himself. Today Tank sees God as a rewarder in a very pronounced, public way too. Praise God together with me for another life marked by Hebrews 11:6 living.

If you're earnestly, faithfully, obediently coming to God looking for Him to show up in your midst, at the center of a very weighty circumstance you're facing, He will. You're gonna find Him somehow, some way. He promises.

That's the way He operates. He is a rewarder. Faith in Him moves Him deeply. And He acts. Trust Him like Tank did!

P. S. Circle back to those three questions up top and spend a little time working on them. You'll be glad!

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