Athlete, This is a Grave Question

This is a Grave Question

11  “Can those in the grave declare your unfailing love? Can they proclaim your faithfulness in the place of destruction?”

Psalm 88:11 (New Living Translation)

Questions fly all the time and come in all different forms:

  • good and bad ones
  • right and wrong ones
  • wise and stupid ones
  • probing and curious ones
  • necessary and needless ones
  • obvious and tricky ones

Psalm 88:11 asks a pair of penetrating questions. At first we think the answer is “No!” Love can’t speak from a grave. Faithfulness doesn’t show up in loss.

But the answer can actually run the other way. It can be a resounding “Yes!” Here’s how ...

I have a friend who was playing in the NCAA Men’s Basketball Final Four. Duncan died to a dream. He wanted to be a starter. Most seniors and strong contributors do. But he let the dream go. He surrendered to the will of another -- his wonderful, wise coach.

He declared his love for team from “the grave” of his own dreams. He surrendered faithfully to a process bigger than himself. His “destruction” led to his team’s great run of victories.

He lost, but won. And he kept playing great no matter when and where he was inserted in the game. That’s what happens when love and faithfulness play out strong in a man or woman’s life.

All this is a picture of God in Christ. Jesus declared His love from the grave. He willingly suffered, bled and died that we might live.

His faithfulness to His Father and His mission brought on both His destruction and our victory. That’s an ultimate winner, if you ask me. And that's the One I’ll follow faithfully to the grave, no question about it!

Reflect: Is there any fear of death or destruction you’re facing that needs to be given to God today? If so, call it out, and give it up to Him.

You worship what you love and follow “it” faithfully. Will Jesus get some great worship from you this day and will you faithfully follow Him, come what may?

What can you do to let love and faithfulness win the day today in your world?

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, Your destruction and Your grave meant my life and my victory. Endless thanks. You’ve got me for life. Please keep asking me the questions more than me asking You.

Help me to love and faithfully follow too. Amen.

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