Athlete, We Need Spiritual Toughness

We Need Spiritual Toughness

37  “And He came and found them sleeping, and said to Peter, ‘Simon, are you asleep? Could you not keep watch for one hour?’”

Mark 14:37 (New American Standard Bible)

Jesus pops good questions. He always does. Like a great penetrating guard, He drives our lane, probing the defenses of our minds and hearts.

In today’s verse He challenges our drive to stick with Him, come what may. He’s asking for spiritual toughness from us. I’m glad He does.

Toughness means not taking off possessions no matter how strong the opponent or rough the game.

Toughness defines great teams and keeps them playing deep into the playoffs. Toughness is a mental and spiritual thing more than a physical thing.

O, that this kind of toughness would define our spiritual lives! What great wins await when we’re this tough.

Jesus goes on to say, "Keep watching and praying that you may not come into temptation; the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" (Mark 14:38 NASB). In these lines, here is what we further see regarding spiritual toughness. Spiritual toughness means:

  • Alertness to anything. Eyes wide open, let spiritual vigilance govern my life. Keep watch!
  • Prayer covering everything. I don’t make any moves in life without prayer playing a part.
  • Sensitivity to temptation. I’m extra-tempted whenever I am HALTed (Hungry, Anxious, Lonely, Tired). I know this and avoid likely “turnovers.”
  • Managing my body. That’s where I’m most vulnerable. If I let my body do all the talking, it will. It will dominate.

But amazingly, if my mind and heart tell my body what to do, it will do it … and terrific performances likely await.

A prayer to consider: LORD Jesus, thank You for calling us, calling me to spiritual toughness. I want that. I need that. I’m so glad You showed us Yours and are committed to help us with ours.

Raise my alertness to anything, prayer covering everything, sensitivity to temptation, and the managing of my body which is Your Home too. Do all this for Your glory and my joy in You. Amen.

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