Athlete, Build a Great Defensive Mindset

Build a Great Defensive Mindset

20  "O Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to you."

1 Timothy 6:20 (NASB)

As the letter of 1 Timothy closes, Coach Paul wanted to firm up Timothy's defensive mindset. After painstakingly detailing so much to Tim about how to navigate life, now it was time for Paul to deliver his final challenge: "Guard what has been entrusted to you." I believe the same seven words apply to us.

Building a great defensive mindset is God's aim for all of us. This approach hinges on three understandings: value, trust and growth.

Here's the breakdown:

VALUE: I can't guard something well if I don't really value it. The rim and the red zone have to matter; so must God's great gifts* to us. God says to guard the gifts! Treat them all as treasure found.

Build a spiritual defense around what God values. Make His values yours. The principle: I guard what I value.

TRUST: My time, talents, treasures are not mine alone. I've been entrusted. I am endowed. It's a sacred trust. Someone arranged for the delivery.

And I'm accountable for what I've been given. I will answer to God for it all, regardless of the amount. So I better guard well what's His. The principle: Guard what's His.

GROW: To guard does not simply mean to bury, to fortress, to protect. And it doesn't mean to settle for making a few stops.

Godly guarding implies defensive domination. It means terrific growth on D. God's first command to us was to be fruitful and multiply, and to have dominion.

When I grow and develop well His gifts in me, it leaves less room for idols to creep in and take root. The great growth, the complete domination, sees to it. The growth guards me. The principle: Grow to dominate on D.

Reflect: What all has God given you? Are you valuing it as you ought? Are you guarding it all well?

Are you reminding yourself faithfully that you will give account before God, that He will ask, "What did you do with what I gave you?" Are you growing your gifts or just possessing them? Are you teaching others to guard well too?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I want to guard what's been entrusted to me. Help me to see it all well, to care about guarding, to value my sacred trusts and dominate on D. For Your glory, my joy in You and Jesus sake, Amen!

*Here are some of God's gifts to guard well, for starters: Jesus, His Spirit, the Word, life, love, truth, grace, mercy, hope, peace, forgiveness, friendships, fellowship, unity, protection, time, talents, money, our hearts and our minds.

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