Athlete, Discover the Mystery of Godliness

Discover the Mystery of Godliness

16  "Great indeed, we confess, is the mystery of godliness …"

1 Timothy 3:16 (ESV)

Do you love a good mystery, a whodunit, a thriller? I think we all do. The next on my list is a movie classic called “The Prestige.” What's yours?

Regardless of our selections, the Bible says that unquestionably great mystery is found in this: godliness. Is it really possible?

Can a person really close the gap to God? Can we resemble Him, imitate Him, carry His imprint, His DNA, experience real righteousness? Can we overcome, live victoriously over sin and death and be like God?

God says yes! It's indeed possible. The mystery of godliness centers in Christ. It's all possible through Him. It starts and ends there.

"He was manifested in the flesh, vindicated by the Spirit, seen by angels, proclaimed among the nations, believed on in the world, taken up in glory" (1 Timothy 3:16 ESV).

The mystery of godliness has been revealed and is being believed: Jesus. Thus, no longer will sin stick, guilt sideline or shame cripple us. The image of God is what we're free to pursue, adopt, embrace -- unstained and unfettered.

And because of all this, our access to godliness is accomplished. Hallelujah for this! Personally accepting the powerful mystery of Jesus makes the mystery of our godliness possible too.

Reflect: Are you still in the middle of the film regarding the mystery of godliness? Have you figured out how to get out of the clutches of sin, guilt and shame?

Beyond all question, are you experiencing Jesus as your righteousness and the great mystery of your godliness? Are you sharing this great mystery with others?

A prayer to consider: LORD, beyond all question, I see Jesus as the great mystery of my godliness. What a story! Shine through me so others will see You in me. Let this mystery roll on through me!

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