Athlete, Do Not Wind Up Dead

Do Not Wind Up Dead

16  “A man who wanders from the way of understanding will rest in the assembly of the dead.”

Proverbs 21:16 (ESV)

Here’s a tough one for today …

What does it mean to “stray from the path of understanding?” I’ve got to know this answer so I won’t wind up dead … or as good as dead. I don’t want to kill a season, a life, a godly dream or a great opportunity. This question deserves good pause and a solid answer.

For starters, here’s what I believe it looks like to stray from the path of understanding (and some truth to consider): Pursuing dangerous relationships, ones based on flesh not spirit, lust not love. (Don’t play one on one here.) Making life decisions based on feelings more than facts and faith. (Push feelings to the curb instead.) Thinking that freedom, not discipline brings reward. (Truly, the fruit of discipline is freedom.) Avoiding maturity and responsibility, believing that’s for older people, other people. (Maturity and responsibility are timeless virtues.) Living largely unsure of when to say “yes” and “no” in life. (Setting good definitions and wise boundaries always produces wins.) Spending on what I want now more than patiently saving for later. (Live for eternity. Invest there.) Seeing my time, talents and treasures as mine, without spiritual implications or social responsibility. (Steward my gifts.) Seeking an end to the flow of good advice from others, believing this slows me down or keeps me from being my own person. (Wisdom never take shortcuts.) Viewing pornography as innocent and “safe sex” as safe. (It’s all lethal.) Believing it’s better to learn from experience, from one’s own mistakes, than from the mistakes of others. (The wise man learns from others.) Shelving prayer, Bible reading and church attendance for the same reasons. (My experience should lead me to God, not away from Him.) Thinking that developing pride is more important than cultivating humility. (It never is.) Living in disobedience before God, thinking I can get away with it. (I never can.) Following what the world says, how it defines success, instead of what God’s Word teaches. (God’s way is best.)

Athlete, what do YOU think “straying from the path of understanding” means? Whatever you come up with, you better make sure you’re both right and that you steer clear. God says you could wind up dead otherwise.

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