Athlete, Here is Great Gain and Real Life

Here is Great Gain and Real Life

6,7,19  "But godliness with contentment is great gain, for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. … so that they may take hold of that which is truly life."

1 Timothy 6:6,7,19 (ESV)

Are you seeking great gain; wanting to avoid collapse; looking for real life? That's what I'm going after. I bet you are too! If we agree, let's camp out in 1 Timothy 6. Let's read it repeatedly, letting the instruction sink in.

Here are the big-time takeaways:

GREAT GAIN: Great gain absolutely follows a life committed to the practice of godliness with contentment. Count on it! It's a law. God says so (1 Timothy 6:6).

UNBEATABLE TEAM: When contentment pairs with godliness, it forms an unbeatable team. Contentment supports and fuels the godliness we pursue. Together they produce good deeds, generosity and sharing that will be eternally rewarded.

Contentment is a secret weapon (1 Timothy 6:6,18,19).

DEFERRED REWARD: Grow contentment through repeating these two truths: Brought nothing in; taking nothing out. That's really how it goes this side of eternity. What happens now shapes the future.

Eternal treasure and a firm foundation richly await those that are godly and contented. That's the real, heavenly truth. Let this fuel your contentment (1 Timothy 6:7).

INEVITABLE FALL: Evil, in all shapes and sizes, inevitably follows and eventually decks those who love money, who chase riches, who are driven by the god called “More.”

That kind of living "pierces with many griefs." It tempts, traps, deceives, sucker punches, ruins, destroys and makes people "wander from the faith."

Don't let money tell you what to do. You tell it (1 Timothy 6:9,10)!

REAL LIFE: "Take hold of that which is truly life" comes when godliness and contentment get in the mix of everything we do. It makes us "rich in good deeds, generous, willing to share." That's what the Bible calls “real life.” Take hold of real life (1 Timothy 6:19).

Reflect: How's your practice of godliness with contentment? Is this pair getting enough playing time in you?

How are you doing with money? Are you handling it well, or is it handling you? Are you experiencing enough “real life” by doing good, being generous and sharing freely? What new steps need to be taken here?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I want great gain and real life as You've defined it. I don't want to love money and let the deceitfulness of riches KO me. Godliness with contentment is my goal. I see it in Jesus. Grant this to me too. Amen.

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