Athlete, It is Training Day

It is Training Day

7,8  "Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Rather train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come."

1 Timothy 4:7,8 (ESV)

The 2001 hit film “Training Day” was built on the drama of one 24-hour period in the life of a rookie Los Angeles cop and his veteran trainer.

This box-office thriller addressed much more than physical preparation. Way more hinged on emotional, mental and moral issues. Those things really grabbed centerstage. The plot pivoted on a greater preparation. It was intense.

We find classic training in today's Scripture too. Let's take a look.

SCREEN WELL: Dismiss some stories. Block some callers. Be courageous and change some channels. They're more dangerous than we think. FILTER what's not beneficial, not wise.

Not all “good” stories are really good. You can't stop evil and false realities from nearing your door, but you don't have to answer their knock. Measure that which is before you, line it up with God's Word and God’s Spirit, and entertain only that. Let nothing else get through the door!

TRAIN RIGHT: The most universal, beneficial training we can undergo is SPIRITUAL, not physical. Indeed, physical training carries clear value, "but godliness has value for ALL things." Include the pursuit of godliness in your training package each day. Take godliness to the gym!

SEE BEST: Getting a vision of heaven (and hell) each day is not a distraction, but a clarifier. Practicing this long-range sight every day adds direction and brings the confidence we need to keep moving forward and upward. Value ETERNITY!


Are you SCREENING WELL? Is there something you've been told or taught that you're not altogether sure about that needs to be held up to the light of God's Word and screened by God's Spirit? If so, what is it?

Is there anything that needs distancing, to be put away?

Are you TRAINING RIGHT? The pursuit of godliness is a daily thing. How daily is it for you? What are you doing daily to train spiritually?

Are you SEEING BEST? Are you sighting eternity for all it's worth? Are you confident in your next moves because of this?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I treasure the way You've provided me with great training for life! I look at Your Son, Your Word, and I marvel. Your Spirit coaches me up but good. I am loved and blessed. Help me to keep screening well, training right, seeing best … for Your glory and my joy in You. Amen.

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