Athlete, Make Your Moves from a Prepared Heart

Make Your Moves from a Prepared Heart

5  “Then the family heads of Judah and Benjamin, and the priests and Levites -- everyone whose heart God had moved -- prepared to go up and build the house of the LORD in Jerusalem.”

Ezra 1:5 (NIV)

Sports is so much about dynamic movement. Making the right moves at the right time shapes everything. Movement is the very centerpiece of sports.

Embedded in today's Scripture is some fantastic movement instruction. Check out this wisdom:

FIRST MOVES COUNT MOST. Whoever makes the first move dictates the action. They're the ones who gain the advantage and purpose to keep it.

This holds true on both sides of the ball, both offense and defense. Proaction beats reaction. That's book-rule.

GOD LOVES TO MAKE THE FIRST MOVE. He's into making wise, loving moves. It's always done with our best interests in mind, to get us and keep us going in the right direction.

It started in the Garden. It climaxed at Calvary and rolls on and on through eternity. So trust Him.

HEART MOVES COUNT BEST. God aims for the heart. It's from here where our moves really take off. It's from here where He wants our best moves launched. A prepared heart is more crucial than a prepared body or mind.

LEADERS MAKE FIRST MOVES. Whenever leaders’ hearts are right, they are well prepared, and great actions will follow. Others will follow these leaders too.

GOD'S HEART MOVES ARE BEST FOR ME. We are constantly challenged to prepare our bodies and minds for action. The LORD reminds us throughout Scripture to move from the heart if we want success. Movement from the heart works best.

Reflect: Are you doing life from a prepared heart? In what areas do you need more heart prep from God so that good action can follow?

A prayer to consider: Move my heart today, LORD. It needs it. I need it. Help me to make the right first moves with others too. I love the way you move my heart. Keep doing it! Amen.

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