Athlete, Master the Prerequisites

Master the Prerequisites

33  “Fear of the Lord teaches wisdom; humility precedes honor.”

Proverbs 15:33 (NLT)

The word ANTECEDENT is defined as “a PRECEDING circumstance, event, object, style, phenomenon, etc.” That means that there are some things that must come before. If we want certain things to happen, we must recognize and master the prerequisites. Some things must come first. Here, in this verse, God shows us two critical antecedents: one for wisdom and one for honor. Let’s take a look …

If we want to grow in wisdom, the fear of the Lord is the primary place to start. God becomes our core instructor and best teacher on this subject. Learning to approach Him properly builds the bridge to wisdom for life. We can’t get a full cart of wisdom without the fear of the Lord.

If we want to see honor come our way, we must see our way to humility first. Honor can’t grow in any other soil for very long. Only humility will allow someone to keep growing in honor without falling. Humility is prerequisite to sustained growth and lasting honor.

Prayer to consider today: LORD, I know we all deeply desire wisdom and honor. Remind us again today where they are truly found. Anchor us in the antecedents. Don’t let us look for them in other places or try to manufacture ways to get them apart from You. Coach us to wins in these two areas. Show us how to fear You and humble ourselves before others. This will be our first wisdom and best honor.

Athlete, anchor yourself in the antecedents to wisdom and honor, and leave the results to God.

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