Athlete, One Plus One Equals Much

One Plus One Equals Much

5,6  "For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all people."

1 Timothy 2:5,6 (NIV)

What do you have a lot of right now? Be honest.

Here's SET A:

Footwear? Clothing/athletic gear? Books/music/movies? Downloads, cans of soup, or both! Money? (Doubtful) Anything else?

How about SET B:

Forgiveness? Grace? Hope? Love? Patience? Strength/endurance?

No matter how much or how little of SET A you have, you can always have a lot of SET B. God loves to refuel those B elements in us. He restocks those shelves. It happens whenever we truly understand and embrace three keys found in 1 Timothy 2:4-6.

ONE GOD: There's a tendency in all of us to believe that having more is better. More options, more possessions, more riches are best, we think. And we think the same way with God – If one God is good, two gods are better. So we slowly, even secretly, stockpile gods to give us what we want, what we think we need.

But the Bible says there's only one true God. Having our needs met by Him is actually infinitely better than inviting other (inept) gods to meet our yearnings for power, approval, comfort, control, etc.

ONE MEDIATOR: Our need to close the gap between God and us is met in Jesus. He's the Bridge, the Intercessor, the One and only Mediator, fully satisfying God's holy requirements to stand before Him on our behalf. And He's the only one fully qualified to represent God to us.

"Anyone who has seen Me has seen the Father," is what Jesus said (John 14:7-9). That's a powerful mediator. Recruiting multiple mediators leaves us always unsure of who can do the job next. It’s like getting a great horse and riding him for all he's worth … It's Jesus first, Jesus only.

MUCH HELP: Establishing and operating our lives having ONE God and ONE mediator brings MUCH help. One plus one equals much (1 Timothy 3:16)! This help comes in the form of ransom given, saving grace and truth freely shared, for starters (1 Timothy 2:4,6). All of SET B then follows.

So if you're looking for much, start by looking for One – One God and One Mediator.


Have you got ONE God whom you know, trust and worship above all others? Who is He? Are there any other gods that need to go? Do you have ONE mediator to powerfully represent you to God and God to you? Who is He?

Are you experiencing MUCH of SET B: forgiveness, grace, hope, love, patience, strength and endurance?

A prayer to consider: LORD, You're the One true God. I see You beautifully through my Mediator, my gap guy, Jesus. So much I find in Him. Keep me wanting no other. Amen.

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