Athlete, Pay Attention to This

Pay Attention to This

9-11  "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance. For to this end we toil and strive, because we have our hope set on the living God, who is the Savior of all people, especially of those who believe. Command and teach these things."

1 Timothy 4:9-11 (ESV)

When someone says, "I'm gonna level with you," take note. Something significant is about to happen. What follows is a pointing out. It will have weight and hold value.

Such is the case all across 1 Timothy 4. In this short chapter, the apostle Paul gets personal. To keep his young friend Timothy going and growing, he points out four biggies:

  1. WATCH FOR DECEPTION. (1 Timothy 4:1-7,16) Deceiving spirits do roam and actively lead people astray. Have you thought about this lately? Could this be happening to you in any way? Burn a timeout and take a hard look. You'll be glad.

  2. FEED ON TRUTH. (1 Timothy 4:6,16) The Bible says to “nourish” ourselves with truth and good teaching. What's your spiritual diet like? Do you know what good spiritual food really tastes like?

  3. PLACE HOPE IN HIM. (1 Timothy 4:9,10) Three thoughts here: If hope is not attached and anchored, it will fly away. The better the object in which we place our hope, the greater our hope becomes. Nothing transcends placing one's hope in the true and living God!

  4. SHOOT FOR GODLINESS. (1 Timothy 4:7,8, 12-16) Score the ball here. Godliness is the goal. To imitate Christ is to get buckets. Be diligent and put points on this scoreboard. Don't wait for a better season to go for it. Score the ball like crazy now.


  • Are you noticing any deception going on in you or around you? Are you doing anything about it?

  • Are you feeling well-fed regarding truth? Any “dietary” changes that need to be made? Got a good chef serving up great spiritual food to you? Are you becoming a good self-feeder when it comes to the Bible?

  • Where are you putting your hope?

A prayer to consider: LORD, O, how I thank You for pointing out truth and error repeatedly. It's one of Your great ways of really loving me and helping me grow confident. Your Word and Your Spirit prompt me so well.

Don't let me be deceived about anything. I need Your help and protection. Help me to keep putting my hope in the right place. Teach me to score godliness points like Your Son, Jesus. Amen.

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