Athlete, Pay Close Attention

Pay Close Attention

16  "Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers.”

1 Timothy 4:16 (ESV)

Our oldest son just began a job in medical sales. He sells new shoulders, hips and knees. It's a fascinating world.

His first steps have been getting to know each product and understanding every process (from manufacturing to installation, sizing to storing, delivery to execution, supply to billing). His life right now is consumed with knowing each what/how/why and taking inventory of everything. He's being paid to pay close attention.

Today's Scripture sets up the same way. God wants His team, His labor force, prepared and solid on two fronts. He cites rich reward for paying close attention to this pair too. Let's take a look.

  • PRODUCT: God wants us to know truth, to possess sound doctrine. That's the “product” He insists we know thoroughly well. So make it your aim to know the whole counsel of God. Take pride in this. No learning gaps.

  • PROCESS: God wants us to live truth. Don't just know it. We do this by paying close attention to how we live out our beliefs. So make sure there's an alignment, a consistency and “persistency” between belief and action.

  • RESULTS: The Bible repeatedly says that when we persist in full product knowledge (sound doctrine) and full process execution (living out what we believe), we and others (both) will eternally benefit.

Confidence in our salvation and our relationship with God will grow like crazy, and others will see it and want in too.

Reflect: How's it going here?

  • KNOWING: Is the Word foundational or optional and occasional for you? Are you committed to really know the Bible, to feed on it every day, to get to know God personally and His purposes for you?

  • DOING: Are you examining your life? Ask the Holy Spirit and a respected Christian to reveal any gaps they may see between your beliefs and actions.

  • RESULTS: Are you growing in spiritual confidence, life confidence? Are you seeing others encouraged, rescued, saved because they experience truth and grace through you?

A prayer to consider: LORD, help me keep a close watch on myself. Hold up Your mirror to me. Form my life around all that You say. What You say goes. I want full alignment.

Continue building my confidence as I pay close attention. And may others eternally benefit as they encounter me. For Your glory and my joy in Christ, Amen.

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