Athlete, Pursue and Fight for the Big Six

Pursue and Fight for the Big Six

11,12  "But as for you, O man of God, flee these things. Pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, steadfastness, gentleness. Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called ..."

1 Timothy 6:11,12 (ESV)

Our grade school report cards evaluated everything: math, reading, language arts, science, social studies, spelling, conduct, effort, attendance, and more. Remember?

Now, how about taking a hard look at God's “report card” criteria too? It's outlined in 1 Timothy 6:11,12. And like a whiteboard of game goals that gets filled in after each contest, let's check out the targets He wants us to hit.

His win criteria is fascinating and surprising. It boils down to this:

FLEE – How well am I doing at running from a life filled with chasing money, riches and all the deceiving things I see it brings? I gotta get my running game on. Wins start with a holy discontent that makes me move.

PURSUE – Pursue a title hard, a Big Six title. A crown, an eternal championship, awaits me when I do! That title includes these six victories:

  • RIGHTEOUSNESS: To pursue Jesus, the Righteous One, is to pursue righteousness. Chase after Him.

  • GODLINESS: Practice the spiritual disciplines. That means prayer, Bible reading and meditation, regular worship and fellowship with others, giving and serving.

  • FAITH: Develop that muscle! Exercise faith. Make it lead to joyful, grateful, quick obedience.

  • LOVE: Express unconditional, sacrificial love. Settle for no less of a definition. It's the only one that really counts.

  • ENDURANCE: Get to the finish line. Finish what you start.

  • GENTLENESS: Coach Wooden may be right. He said, "The greatest strength in the world is gentleness." Let gentleness define your strength.

FIGHT – Battle this life by faith. Bring a competitive spirit to faith. Compete hard. Make obedience by faith the win. Grab hold of all that God promises, and don't let go!

Reflect: How's your report card looking? How are your grades with respect to fleeing, pursuing (the Big Six) and fighting?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I want my “report card” to look great. By your Word and through your Spirit, help me flee, pursue and fight like a champ. For Your glory, my joy and Jesus’ sake. Amen.

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