Athlete, Seek the Right Route

Seek the Right Route

21  "In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus and of the elect angels I charge you to keep these rules without prejudging, doing nothing from partiality."

1 Timothy 5:21 (ESV)

Paul's first letter to Timothy is laced with a whole lot of instruction to a growing guy and emerging leader. Like a great coach, Paul wants to keep his “player” on the right road to significance. I hope you feel like it has great application to you, because it really does!

As chapter five ends, Paul directs Timothy to three more life principles that will guide him to living on higher ground by taking the right route. Note them with me.

PATH OF FAVORITISM: (1 Timothy 5:21) Don't take it! You want to take it more than you think, but don't do it. "Do nothing out of favoritism" is what the Bible declares. Make yourself as free of favorites as possible. Reject partiality. That's too much about self. Live for others, all others.

Impartiality builds surprisingly good community. Figure it out. Ask God for wisdom. How you practice preference has a more powerful effect on others than you think.

ROUTE TO LEADERSHIP: (1 Timothy 5:22) Don't take the shortest route. You want to, but it's dangerous. "Be quick but don't be in a hurry" is how Coach John Wooden would say it.

Don't lay leadership too quickly on yourself or others, especially spiritual leadership. Always build a good foundation of proven responsibility first.

Be committed to developing leaders instead of appointing them. God will make it obvious and inevitable when your time comes to lead or share leadership.

ROAD OF REVELATION: (1 Timothy 5:24,25) Revelation runs a course on its own. You don't have to work that hard to make it happen. God will see to it that what is true gets known.

The sins of others will either precede their arrival or inevitably trail. Don't worry. And the good works you do will arrive right on time. Others will know without your campaigning for credibility. Let God captain your character and handle your reputation.

Reflect: How much are you practicing favoritism? Are you living more by what's easy or by what's right? How good are you at selecting leaders and sharing responsibility? Are you developing leaders or just picking them?

Are you trusting God that all will be revealed and that you don't have to “send out a press release” about sins or good works, others' failures or your successes?

A prayer to consider: LORD, route me right when it comes to favoritism, leadership and revelation. Help me develop others too. I long to keep in step with Jesus on these critical paths for Your glory and my joy. Amen.

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