Athlete, Turn Away from These Two

Turn Away from These Two

20-21  "Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge, which some have professed and in so doing have departed from the faith."

1 Timothy 6:20,21 (NIV)

In competitive sport we often find two opposing ideas. One camp says that what's crucial to winning is thorough understanding of your opponent. Knowing their tendencies, strategies, weaknesses, strengths is paramount. Scouting reports and film study are essential.

The other camp says self-preparation and team soundness are the keys. Focus your concern squarely on yourself and your team; that's enough to insure success.

In our spiritual lives, there are also two major camps that can form.

One calls for the finding of new, fresh revelations. It claims that there's more we need to know than we think. It creates insecurity. A further enlightenment is called for.

This camp claims that how well we observe the new rules that emerge determines how much we improve our chances of spiritual reward, especially heaven.

The other camp accents self-determination. The knowledge we need is within us, not beyond us.

It says the more freedom we have, the better we “play.” That's when things work out well. Rules don't matter like individuals do. It's all about getting each of us fully aware, in control, deciding truth.

These camps oppose each other. One group is all about new knowledge with more rules. The other is about a special knowledge with way less constraints.

More importantly, both camps oppose God. Both claim a “special knowledge” that goes beyond what God says, causing people to wander from the faith.

Reflect: How are you doing when it comes to matters of faith? Do you feel like you're wandering into either of these camps? Could a “false knowledge” be leading you? Do you know the Word well enough to know what's truly true?

A prayer to consider: LORD, keep me on the straight and narrow. Don't let me wander from the faith by immersing myself in godless chatter or subscribing to false knowledge.

Take me to Your Word, to places where I will be taught well, to people who will sharpen me. I want to know Your Word so that I won't be misled. I want You, simply You!

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