Athlete, We Tend to Forget These Six

We Tend to Forget These Six

1  "The word of the LORD that came to Zephaniah ..."

Zephaniah 1:1 (ESV)

God drops pins. He wants to be found, known and not forgotten. The phrase "the word of the LORD came to ..." appears 132 times in Scripture.

So it's safe to say that God loves to intersect our lives, to be known more than we often think. He loves to bring to our attention things about Himself, not just about us or our world. He doesn't want us forgetting who He is. Let's take a look at some of this messaging.

Just like a coach explaining himself and his philosophy on the first day of practice, in Zephaniah, chapter one, we find six things God says He wants to make unmistakably clear, things about Him we tend to forget:

I MESSAGE MEN. (Zephaniah 1:1) The word of the LORD targets people. It comes. He comes. He really does. And He has more to say than we often think. He takes the initiative. Reverence this. Be glad for every moment you see, hear, and sense what He's up to. Pay heed.

I'M INTO BROOMS AND KNIVES. (Zephaniah 1:2-6) God is committed to sweeping His house, making it clean and tidy. And He will cut off whatever doesn't produce as it ought. He is not lazy or sloppy. He's committed to keeping a good house.

I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR DIVIDED LOYALTIES. (Zephaniah 1:5) You can't play for two teams with Him. It's His team only. This isn't AAU.

I HAVE ZERO TOLERANCE FOR REBELLION AND INDIFFERENCE. (Zephaniah 1:6) Rebellion and indifference is what God calls sin. And sin cannot stand in His presence. There's no place for that on His squad. Loyalty and obedience, seeking and inquiring of Him, is what He treasures. Our coachability is key with Him. Jesus makes the way.

I'M INTO ACCOUNTABILITY. (Zephaniah 1:8-17) Throughout Scripture, God says repeatedly that the Day of the LORD is both inevitable and near. There is a Judgment Day, and it is coming. God is not loose on accountability. While we may not see it on display much, we will reap what we sow with Him.

I AM JEALOUS LIKE NONE OTHER. (Zephaniah 1:18) God is more beautifully, wildly jealous than we think. He will not share His glory with another. (Isaiah 42:8; 48:11) He's jealous for our exclusive love. He will eliminate His competition.

Reflect: What is it about God that you could tend to forget? What pricked your heart from this list of six? How does Jesus fit into this mix of six, offering you hope and encouragement?

A prayer to consider: LORD, don't let me forget or minimize the fullness of who You are. I need You to keep messaging me. Write it all on my heart. Thank You so much for Jesus who grants hope and rightly connects the dots to You. Amen.

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