Athlete, You Need Hope

You Need Hope

13  “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust Him, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”

Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Since life, like sport, is messy, full of mistakes and failures, we need hope -- a confidence to carry on. Only those who have hope fight on. Those with little hope fight little. Those with no hope don’t fight at all. Romans 15:13 certainly offers hope and carries us in the right direction. Here are five “hope-full” thoughts to help in our journey: Hope is a person, first and foremost! It is God. Above any words, circumstance or other earthly evidence, hope is found here, in Him. Joy and peace are the evidence of hope. You know you have hope when you have joy and peace. Remember that. Trust is the front porch of hope. You can’t abide in hope without entering through trust first. Trust unlocks and unleashes hope. God’s desire is that we have more hope than we could imagine. So let’s fill ourselves with hope. Let’s fill ourselves in Him. The agent of hope is the Holy Spirit. He is the power for hope. Remember hope’s real power source. Ask the Spirit.

Athlete, are you looking for hope? Do you need a fresh, powerful dose? What are you trusting God for? Work your way into Romans 15:13 and all around it. It will do you good.

Prayer to consider today: LORD, God of all hope, thank you for the hope You bring in Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. Bring fresh evidence of hope, real joy and peace to me as I trust You. Grant me the overflowing hope You promise.

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