Athlete, Your Maker is Your Husband

Your Maker is Your Husband

5  “For your Maker is your husband, the LORD of hosts is His name; and the Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer, the God of the whole earth He is called.”

Isaiah 54:5 (ESV)

God says He made us to marry us! His goal is to have a great marriage with us. He didn't create us to be alone, to live apart from Him. Sweet, strong teammates for life is His aim. He's so into the “M word.”

In Isaiah 54, we also see what God wants us to experience as His bride. It's really quite a touching list of vows. Here is what He pledges:

  • Fruitfulness: experiencing multiplication; having real productivity in life (v1)
  • Expanded reach and influence (v2)
  • Fearless, shameless living (v4)
  • Compassion and kindness (v7,8,10)
  • Unfailing, unshakable love (v10)
  • Commitment to generational instruction (v13)
  • Family peace (v13)
  • Permanent protection (v17)

It sure seems to be just the kind of relationship we should pursue for life!

Reflect: Have you ever marched down the aisle and said “I do” to Jesus? Have you joined His team exclusively? For life?

Is it time to renew your vows, or are you experiencing the goodness of those eight bullet points above?

A prayer to consider: LORD, You're my lover, my life, my true husband. Maker of my heart, may I love our “M word” for life. Help me to love You back and make You my only, my Unrivaled One.

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