Athlete, Be Wary of Being a Whirligig

Be Wary of Being a Whirligig

5,6  "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind."

James 1:5,6 (ESV)

Whirligigs, windmills, spinners, windsocks, you name it, Texans have it! The Lone Star State seems obsessed with decorative yard art.

I was visiting my friend’s home to speak to her neighborhood Bible study group, consisting mainly of mature (older) ladies, when I noticed her metal spinner.

Just then a timely gust blew in, and the colorful metal creation seemed to defy the rules of physics. It began twisting four different directions at once, literally dancing in the wind.

I was reminded of the verse in James 1:6, “... for the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind.”

In this verse the wind represents the circumstances or trials that come against us in our daily lives. And the wave, like the dancing whirligig, represents us and our faith, or more accurately, our lack of faith. We are driven and tossed about, unfocused, ineffective and directionless.

This spinner spoke to me, reminding me of you, athlete, and the cultural battles you are facing as a young adult.

Your trials, stresses and storms aren’t just coming from one or two directions. You are being hit and battered on all sides by gale force cyclones that are unpredictable, gusty and out of control.

Racial tensions, political unrest, Title XI scandals, gender identity issues, religious persecution, terrorists, refugees, immigration … my brain hurts just thinking about the troubles of this world.

At times, it must feel like the world is tossing you about like a rag doll! I know I feel that way. How can we stop the spinning?

James 1:5 and 6 gives us the answer, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him. But let him ask in faith …”

Twirling friend, stop! With faith, ask God for wisdom!

  • Wisdom for seeking God above all else

  • Wisdom for dealing with relationships

  • Wisdom for recognizing and repenting of sin

  • Wisdom to forgive

  • Wisdom to guide your future

  • Wisdom to overcome fear

  • Wisdom to walk like Jesus

Wisdom is accessed through faith, and faith is strengthened when we spend time with Jesus. He is always available!

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