Athlete, God is Looking for a Heart after His

God is Looking for a Heart after His

22  “And when He had removed him, He raised up David to be their king, of whom He testified and said, ‘I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after My heart, who will do all My will.’”

Acts 13:22 (ESV)

Finding the right person for a job, a mission, is a big deal. That’s why pro and college teams labor so meticulously on their draft boards and are relentless in the recruiting process. That’s why search firms exist, and head hunters have lucrative jobs.

God is looking for men and women too. He’s looking for people to lead by serving. He has special missions for them to launch and roles to play.

And the job satisfaction rate and fulfillment index is off the charts good.

The people God searches for are not defined merely by skill or talent as much as something else. They’re the ones tuned into His own heart. They are marked by humility, listening, obedience, love and a heart to serve.

Those are the people He trusts to join Him in great adventure.

God won’t do much with us unless our hearts belong to Him, until they look like what was just described. We’re on our own otherwise, likely to ride the bench.

Reflect: When God goes to His draft board, would He pick you today? Are you recruitable to selfless service? How much of your heart is chasing after God’s heart?

Do you want what He wants? If you’re stuck or feeling sidelined right now, what heart issue may need to change?

A prayer to consider: LORD, it’s exciting to think that You’re in the recruiting business. You continue to look for men and women. I want You to find me faithful, willing, ready, full of selfless service.

Help me to be a man (or woman) after Your own heart. There’s no one else I wanna play for than You. Amen.

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