Athlete, Here is Advice on Two Fronts

Here is Advice on Two Fronts

3,23  "Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established. The heart of the wise teaches his mouth and adds learning to his lips."

Proverbs 16:3,23 (New King James Version)

Our God can flat-out coach! Here's some evidence. In Proverbs 16, the Lord instructs us on the best way to approach our work and our words, fronts where we surely need daily wins. Let's take a look at His good advice.

WORK – God says the best way to approach any work we face is to commit it to Him first. When we do, God promises to give us “established thoughts,” a clear thinking that creates focused paths. It allows us to get off to a great start when facing life's daily unknowns.

Good plans of attack form, and wins await when we commit our work to the Lord from the start. Taking these kind of 30-second timeouts of whispered prayer is so worth it.

WORDS – God says the best way to deliver our words is to let them come from the heart. Let them get filtered, seasoned, marinated and prepared there. That is where wonderful sincerity and true wisdom-weight gets added to our words.

Our words must come way more from the bottom of our hearts than the top of our heads.

Perhaps the best way to say it is through the lyrics of one of my favorite songs:

You gotta sing like you don't need the money. You gotta love like you'll never get hurt. You gotta dance like nobody's watching. You gotta come from the heart if you want it to work.

Reflect: How quickly and how often does your work get committed to the Lord first? Have you established a good pattern of doing this? Does every assignment, initiative, blank computer screen, new task and new day get a Proverbs 16:3 reflection first?

Where do your words come from? Do you feel free and confident enough to speak from the heart?

A prayer to consider: LORD, I commit the work of this day to you. Each piece of it needs Your good coaching. Establish my thoughts. Give me the clear thinking I need to navigate each task.

Help me speak from the heart. I want my words to work. May I say and do like Jesus. Amen.

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